Dr. David Stephenson

Consultant Dentist

Dr. David Stephenson BDSc Hons (Qld) 1983 is a General Practitioner Dentist with specialized training in TMJ dysfunction (TMD), Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (Snoring and Sleep Apnoea), and Upper Cervical Spine/Whiplash Trauma (Cervicogenic Headache)

Dr. Stephenson serves as a consultant at Sovereign Dental in Ballarat, providing consultations on Thursdays. The clinic offers comprehensive diagnosis and therapy for patients experiencing TMJ dysfunction (TMD), Bruxism/Clenching, Cervicogenic Headache, and Snoring, as well as Sleep Apnoea.

Snoring and Sleep Disorder Breathing, specifically Sleep Apnoea, are commonly associated with nasal airway obstruction (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome) and compromised oral/mouth airway function during sleep (Mouth Breathing).

Dr. David is a trained Buteyko Breathing/Ortho Postural practitioner and utilizes Capnometers (Breathing Monitors) to assist patients in comprehending and enhancing their “Dysfunctional Breathing,” demonstrating the fundamental impact of breathing patterns on overall health..


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Myofunctional therapy is a specialized program that helps correct the function of the muscles in the mouth and face.